Eight out of ten thyroid patients are actually women. But there is also an alarming number of men affected with hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. If we base this on figures and not percentages, of 15 million afflicted with thyroidism, 3 million or so come from the men.
It is not certain why many thyroid conditions happen in women than in men. Medical practitioners believe that the hormonal changes women�s body go through during puberty, pregnancy and throughout menopause, may be the result of these. In other words, a woman may genetically inherit this predisposition.
Of thyroid cancer cases, about a miniscule percentage is composed of men. Yet if there is a presence of a nodule in the glands, this problem may be a lot more harmful to men than women. Nodules in men are the single components that lead to men�s thyroid cancer. They mutate and form into lumps that lead to swelling.
[tags]thyroid, thyroidism, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism[/tags]
Originally posted on February 16, 2007 @ 11:57 pm