Cellulite is a common problem of women as they age. It can strike in the legs, thighs, stomach, buttocks and even arms. But contrary to what some people believe that only fat people can have it, it’s not always the case. Going on a diet or doing exercises won’t even totally get rid of it.
To understand this issue, cellulite is actually the free-floating fat cells that have become trapped beneath the skin’s surface. Among the factors that contribute to this are hormones, genetics and a person’s lifestyle.
While there’s no permanent cure for this cosmetic concern, medical experts have found ways to prevent the spread of cellulite in the body. The most effective technique they recommend is to strengthen the fibers of the connective tissues to prevent fat cells from permeating the dermis.
Here are steps you can follow to manage cellulite without spending much.
Eat the right food. Whole grains and fruits are great for breakfast and don’t forget to stay hydrated by drinking more water and juices. Juicy fruits and vegetables should also be included in your diet and it’s best you eat them raw. Do take two eggs a week as well and for a stronger immune system, eat goji berries which is considered to be rich in vitamin C, amino acids and trace minerals.
Do jumping exercises. Jumping exercises can help reduce cellulite as they get rid of toxins, water and fat by squeezing out the cells as you land. You can do this exercise on a trampoline or on a regular floor by doing jumping jacks. You can use a rope as well. Doing this exercise for five to 20 minutes each day is ideal.
Soak in seaweed. You can soak yourself in herbal or seaweed bath for 25 minutes using medium warm water ideally before going to bed at night. This will detoxify your body and re-mineralize the skin.
Dry brush. To do this, you need to use a brush with natural bristles for at least five minutes before you take a shower. This step will stimulate the lymph glands near the skin’s surface, exfoliate the skin and promote circulation. Make sure to brush from your feet moving upwards to your shoulder.
Image via weightloss.allwomenstalk
Originally posted on April 8, 2013 @ 9:22 pm