It’s inevitable in this world: you will have bad days and some of those may turn into bad months or years. With that said, sometimes that’s just the luck of the draw and sometimes your brain can have a genuine chemical imbalance that can kick you while you’re down.
It’s not about how many times you get pushed down, though. It’s about whether you choose to get back up or not. Below are some things that can help you get back up and on the road of life and help keep you there, as well.
Take Care Of You
In life, there are so many things that we have to balance just to make it through the day. You may have children, a spouse, a job, church, ball games, and a household to run. Did you notice what was missing from that list? You. You must take time for yourself.
Eat healthy and regularly. Make sure to exercise. This helps your body create and circulate it’s own natural antidepressants, endorphins. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and make sure to get that 6-8 hours of nightly sleep. Change up the scenery from time to time and do something new.
Being stuck in the rut of routine is sometimes enough to depress even Mickey Mouse. Lastly, take on a challenge every now and then. When we are focused on conquering something, whether that be a fear, a puzzle, or planning the next PTA function, we have less time to consider our sad and lonely feelings.
Talk It Out
Another option is to have a trusted friend, family member, or psychologist to talk to. Everyone has days when life overwhelms them with a tidal wave of responsibility, loneliness, helplessness, or grief. Sometimes, we have all of them at once.
Venting your feelings to someone you trust can help you keep depression at bay, much like how a volcano vents heat and air to keep the pressure from leading to an eruption. Most find that just explaining how they feel about something and having someone there to validate their feelings is enough to keep them satisfied with life.
Our help doesn’t have to agree with us, but it’s important that they try to understand where we are coming from. Also, always remember it is never a sign of weakness to ask for help.
Sometimes, we have tried everything in the book to cure our depression and have failed at every turn. It happens. When it happens, it’s not uncommon for a person to turn to a good antidepressant. Matter-of-fact, about 16 million people in the U.S. suffer from depression and sixteen percent of the United States population takes an antidepressant on a regular basis.
There are several to choose from. Zoloft, Celexa, Prozac, and Lexapro are a few of the most popular prescription medications. There are other options, however, that are over the counter supplements scientifically proven to help with depression and have added perks such as improving memory and overall cognitive performance. Tianeptine Sulfate is one of those options.
Fighting to get back up from the punch in the gut depression can deal is a struggle. No doubt. If you follow these tips, the battle might go a lot smoother.
Originally posted on November 20, 2017 @ 9:18 pm