If you used to play soccer actively when you were young, you can still engage in the sport on a recreational level if you’re already in your 40s or 50s. There’s a benefit to playing this sport especially to older people.
A small study has found that one of the great benefits of playing soccer is reducing a adult’s high blood pressure. The British researchers in their study of 22 men whose ages ranged from 31 to 54 discovered that those who played the game for an hour twice a week had mild to moderate hypertension.
During their research that took six months, the scientists noted significant drops in the blood pressure of those who engaged in the sport. An estimated 75 percent of the men attained normal BP readings. Other findings include better lung function, lower resting heart rates and decreased body fat. The results of this study will be published in the March issue of the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Although the researchers still recommended further studies on this subject matter to determine if the results will be the same on the general public, previous studies have proven time and again the effectiveness of engaging in physical activity in promoting good health among people. Any form of aerobic fitness is always healthy.
Take note that physical activity can help prevent and even treat more than 40 chronic diseases. As such, it is strongly recommended by the U.S. government guidelines that adults get 2.5 hours of exercise of moderate intensity every week. For children, an hour of physical activity each week would do.
On the other hand, people who ignore their hypertension are at great risk of stroke and kidney failure.
So if you want to live longer, eat right and exercise often.
Photo via columbus.in
Originally posted on February 26, 2013 @ 1:37 pm