For athletes and people who engage in strenuous activities that need the extensive use of their legs, encountering cramps would appear at some point. Continuous running or sprinting will surely result in cramps, especially for people who do not do the necessary warm-ups and stretching exercises that athletes should be initially doing.
Leg cramps is usually seen in sports where running is a primary key towards playing the game. Basketball, swimming, and track and field events would normally be the common sports that would see players encountering cramps. The use of the legs would be the main part of the body that needs to be used in able to play the sport the way it should be.
Muscles would reach a point of hardening when the salt levels of the body would start to deteriorate from excessive sweating. Hence the proper amount of salt intake is important. It should be taken into account that the perspiration or fluids produced include the body minerals and nutrients. To treat cramps, people must keep their legs straight and be sure not to bend them. Doing so will only add to the pain that they will be experiencing.
[tags]cramps, stretching, exercises, salt, bananas[/tags]
Originally posted on May 24, 2007 @ 1:11 am