The formula for weight loss is simple: burn more calories than you take in. It’s in the implementation that we all encounter difficulty in varying degrees. If you’re worried about burning calories, here are some easy and tested ways to do so. Follow these simple weight loss tips to see some
great results.
Drink ice cold water – FAST. We’ve always been told to drink lots of water throughout the day. What you might not know is that cold water helps burn more calories. That’s because the body has to emit heat (energy!) to increase the water’s temperature. If you gulp down a glass of cold water, you can burn up to 25 calories each time you do so. Do this 4 times a day and that’s 100 calories you can burn!
Walk! In general, a mile of walking or running can burn 100 calories. The idea is to walk or run faster so that you can cover the mile in a shorter period of time. If you can cover 1 mile in 15 minutes (whew!), then that’s 100 calories off!
Drink up on that green tea. If you need cold water to burn calories, you can also use some hot green tea. According to studies, three cups of green tea can help you get rid of around 100 calories.
Dance! If you like going out, then it might just be good for your health. Dancing is one of the best activities for burning calories. You can dance in the club or at home! Even better, play with your kid while dancing, and you’ll burn even more.
Add up all those calories and you’ll lose weight in no time at all.
Originally posted on April 27, 2010 @ 10:30 pm