Many women experience stomach bloating before and during their monthly period. But apart from this normal PMS symptom linked to hormonal changes, there are other factors that can cause a bloated tummy. Others suffer from the condition when they eat too much or they’re not able to release their body wastes.
An irritable bowel syndrome can cause this problem. Oftentimes, this is accompanied by back pain particularly on the left side, constipation or diarrhea. The condition also tends to worsen towards the evening.
Flatulence is another reason. Sometimes, you may only notice yourself but you’re actually passing wind often. Although this is considered normal, there might be an underlying condition that’s also causing this and that you need to find out. More serious conditions that could lead to a bloated tummy are coeliac disease and ovarian cancer.
Experiencing this bloating tummy condition can make one very uncomfortable and even restless as one feels his stomach to be full and tight. But being only temporary, you can find ways to solve this problem the natural way. [Read more…]
Originally posted on October 31, 2013 @ 10:36 pm