I am sure that you have seen a lot of advertisements online that promise to make you lose weight within a certain number of days – 10 or 20 or 30. But how true are these ads? Do they deliver on their promises? Let’s examine these more closely in order to find out the truth.
Promise #1: Fast to fast track your weight loss.
Well, it does make sense, right? Do not eat and you will lose weight. Then again, did you know that when you fast, your body goes into “fast mode”? This is wherein the body slows down the metabolic rate in order to conserve the resources that it has stored. What happens then is that you do not really fast track your weight loss program. More so, if you have certain health issues and you fast, you might trigger an unhealthy response and put yourself in danger.
Promise #2: Take fat burners to stoke up your metabolic rate.
There are a lot of these pills and juices in the market but do they work? Well, fat burners are basically stimulants. This means that when you take these things, you risk overworking your heart as well. If you have heart problems – no matter how minor they are – then you might get more than what you bargained for. In addition to this issue, studies have shown that fat burners do not really increase the metabolic rate considerably.
So what do you think? Can you lose weight in 10 days? I think so – but not in these ways. Following these basic weight loss tips always helps too.
Originally posted on November 11, 2010 @ 10:31 am