We’ve heard of dietary supplements, which is really an umbrella term for more specific kinds of supplements. Perhaps one of the most common – and widely accepted – supplements are vitamin and mineral supplements. Even as children, our pediatricians would recommend these. Of course, with time and age, the nature of vitamin and mineral supplements has changed.
Vitamin and mineral supplements are a way to make up for possible deficiencies in our diets. That means whether or not you are trying to lose weight, you may need vitamin and mineral supplements – that is if you want to be healthy. So what vitamin and mineral supplements should we take?
It really depends on what you need. I tried doing a little research and ended up overwhelmed with the available supplements in the market. My local pharmacy was not much help either. However, in my research, I came across a recent study that found out that the typical Western diet lacks calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron. This is a possible starting point.
Aside from the results of that study, I think we should analyze our own diet and body. Pinpoint your weaknesses and needs. For example, I noticed that I usually lack the energy to keep alert all day. So I looked for vitamins that are supposed to enhance energy. If you find yourself prone to colds, then maybe vitamin C is what you need. At the end of the day, it boils down to identifying your personal needs.
Originally posted on September 17, 2010 @ 9:11 am